News. Update on fan who needed assistance at St. James' Park

27 Oct 21

We are pleased to announce that Alan Smith, the fan taken ill earlier this month during the Newcastle v Tottenham game, was discharged from the city's Freeman Hospital on Tuesday, 26th October

Mr Smith required four stents inserted to aid his recovery, but his son, Paul, said the medical staff have been "amazing" during his stay and his family wish to thank every one of them.

Alan will spend the next two-to-four weeks building up his strength at home and hopes to be back at St. James' Park at the end of November or the beginning of December.

He is looking forward to seeing family and friends over the next few days and sends his appreciation to everyone who has wished him well.

His local Constitutional and Unionist Club in Forest Hall, of which Mr Smith is President, will be launching a fundraising event from 13th November to purchase a defibrillator, having seen how important they can be.

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