News. Teammates: Miguel Almirón

26 Mar 20

Paraguayan ace dishes the dirt on his Newcastle United team mates

With the Magpies' training ground currently closed and the Premier League season suspended due to the coronavirus outbreak, the YouTube series has been temporarily paused too - but that hasn't stopped Miguel Almirón from participating.

The Paraguay international - who has supported his country's #QuedateEnCasa (stay at home) campaign on social media during the current crisis, as well as donating 200 litres of hand sanitising alcohol gel to two hospitals in his homeland - may not be at United's Benton HQ right now, but he was still keen to spill a few dressing room secrets to!

Who's the funniest in the group? The funniest? Federico Fernández.

Worst dress sense? I don't know! I can't stitch my team mates up, can I? ( So the most loudly dressed?) The most loudly dressed is (DeAndre) Yedlin!

Best trainer? Federico Fernández works really hard, and always gets in early. Who has the worst taste in music? (Karl) Darlow... he always puts on the music in the dressing room. It's bad, very bad. He just puts on the music he likes, typical English pop music really. Who spends the most time in front of the mirror? Not me, because I don't have much hair! Mmmm, Joelinton. ( Dyeing it?) Yeah!

Player you'd least like to get in a fight with? So the biggest person. It would have to be Martin (Dúbravka). He's massive - and goalies are always a bit mad, aren't they?

Player you'd trust the least to cook you a meal? (Javier) Manquillo for sure... Manquillo just likes eating hamburgers!

Who would be your phone a friend on Who Wants to be a Millionaire? I reckon I would call Fede because I get on very well with him. Federico Fernández. I'm always with him... on top of that, he's a bit older too, so he's got a lot of experience to call upon!

Who's the funniest in the group? I believe we have a group of players who get on very well. We're always having a laugh. There's a little group in particular of me, Manquillo, Joelinton and Fede, who are always messing about and joking around!

Who's got the best nickname? There are quite a few nicknames but the best is for (Allan) Saint-Maximin. He's known as Gucci, because of the hairband he wears to play in! We call him Gucci!

Future manager? Fede for sure. He'll be a manager. ( In the Premier League?) I don't know, wherever... but he will manage.

100m sprint. Who wins? In a race? Saint-Maximin - he's very quick! Who is the kitman's worst nightmare? The kitmen are all straight up guys and you cannot say a wrong word about them! They are great, seriously... ( But who gets on at the poor kitman?) Ah, you mean out of us lot? Well me for a start! I'm always asking for different things now and again, but I don't think people bother him too much. But to be fair, I am always asking for stuff, mainly for shirts. I drive him mad all the time, asking if I can change my shirt or something... I need to change them because of the size not fitting, maybe!

Who's the best gamer in the group? I don't know because up to now I'm still to play against anyone here. I play online with my mates back home. But I'm sure I'd be the best...

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