News. Safety information for Verona friendly

04 Aug 17

Newcastle United have issued safety information to supporters attending this Sunday’s pre-season match against Hellas Verona at St. James’ Park.

Supporters are advised that road closures will be in place around the stadium throughout forthcoming matchdays and anyone travelling to the ground without allocated parking is advised to use the city’s excellent public transport links.

The road closures follow productive discussions between the club, its Fans Forum, the police and local authorities over the summer, with Newcastle City Council implementing the closures after an extensive consultation process.

Meanwhile, supporters are asked not to bring bags to the stadium this Sunday and on matchdays throughout the 2017/18 season.

Searches will take place at stadium entry points and any supporters with bags are likely to face a delay in entering the stadium.

Steve Storey, head of safety and security at Newcastle United, said: “The safety of all supporters is of paramount importance to us and various measures have been introduced to improve security in and around the stadium.

“Some of these measures will be highly visible for all to see, however some measures will be more discreet and details will not be disclosed.

“Whilst the police are keen to emphasise that there is no intelligence to suggest that our stadium is a target for any terrorist activity, these measures are a reasonable and proportionate measure to take in light of recent attacks elsewhere.

“We hope these steps provide reassurance to everyone coming to the match.”

Supporters are requested to be vigilant at matches. If they see something that looks suspicious or does not look right, they are asked to report it to a steward, member of staff or police officer immediately.

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