News. Junior Magpies photography competition

01 Mar 17

One lucky Junior Magpies member will have the chance to shadow the official Newcastle United photographer, Serena Taylor, at the Magpies’ Sky Bet Championship fixture with Fulham this month.

One lucky Junior Magpies member will have the chance to shadow the official Newcastle United photographer, Serena Taylor, at the Magpies’ Sky Bet Championship fixture with Fulham this month.

The prize includes the chance to go behind the scenes inside the bustling photography suite at St. James’ Park on a matchday, as well as learning what goes in to capturing the fantastic images that go onto the club website and into newspapers.

Once the players arrive, you will have the chance to have your photo taken with members of the first team squad before watching the match right next to the pitch alongside Serena.

The day will be rounded off by a visit to the stadium’s hospitality suites, where you will accompany Serena and a first team player for the post-match presentations.

To enter

This competition is open to Junior Magpies members.

To enter, simply select the favourite photo that you have taken and send it - along with your name, address, membership number and a contact number - to [email protected].

The deadline for entries is 5pm on Sunday 5th March and the winner will be selected by Serena.

Good luck!

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