News. Fans Forum minutes published

03 Mar 17

Newcastle United have released detailed minutes from the club's most recent Fans Forum.

The Forum, which consists of senior club officials and 16 supporters, reconvened at St. James’ Park last week to discuss a wide range of club-related subjects.

Following the release of headline discussion points from the meeting, which you can read here, all supporters can now read full meeting minutes.

About the Fans Forum

The Fans Forum is a body consisting of supporters and senior club officials which meets during the season to discuss all areas which affect those who follow the club.

It was reintroduced in 2013 to enhance communication between fans and the club, enabling fans to give those who make decisions and implement services a fuller understanding of their views and the issues which affect them.

The result is constructive dialogue between those who are passionate about the success of Newcastle United.

Supporters can contact Fans Forum members, here.

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