News. Club confirms positive discussions

10 May 17

Newcastle United can confirm that a meeting has taken place between the club’s owner, Mike Ashley, managing director Lee Charnley, and manager Rafa Benítez.

It was agreed by all parties that the meeting was very positive and constructive.

Mike again congratulated Rafa and his team on gaining promotion to the Premier League as champions.

Plans for next season were discussed, including the purchase and loan of players to add to the squad in readiness for the Premier League season.

Speaking after the meeting, Mike Ashley said: “I’ve confirmed to Rafa and Lee that they can have every last penny that the club generates through promotion, player sales and other means in order to build for next season.”

Manager Rafa Benítez added: “I’m pleased with how the meeting went and the positive approach we are all taking together to build on what we have started this season.

“There will be challenges ahead of course, the summer will not be easy, but the hard work has been going on for some time and we can now continue positively with the development of the squad ahead of the start of the new season.

"I wish fans an enjoyable summer!”

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