Gallery. Saints success in pictures

Southampton Home 1
18 Aug 24

Eddie Howe's Magpies kicked off the 2024-25 campaign with victory over Southampton, despite being reduced to ten men in the first half.

Southampton Home 1
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 2
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 3
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 4
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 5
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 6
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 7
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 8
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 9
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 10
Michelle Mercer / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 11
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 12
Michelle Mercer / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 13
Michelle Mercer / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 14
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 15
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 17
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 16
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 18
Michelle Mercer / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 19
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United
Southampton Home 20
Serena Taylor / Newcastle United

Fabian Schär was controversially sent off just before the half-hour mark with the scoreline at 0-0, but Joelinton scored what proved to be the only goal of the game in the 45th minute.

And United defended doggedly in the second period to get the new campaign off to a superb start. There was a competitive debut for Lloyd Kelly as a second half substitute, while Bruno Guimarães captained Newcastle for the first time in the Premier League.

Serena Taylor, assisted by Michelle Mercer, brought this gallery from St. James' Park.

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