Gallery. Newcastle United Women seeking capital gains

Becky Ferguson 12
04 Sep 24

Newcastle United Women begin their FA Women's Championship campaign at London City Lionesses on Sunday, with the team training hard ahead of the big kick-off.

The Magpies have claimed back-to-back promotions to catapult them to the second tier - and head coach Becky Langley was rewarded with a new long-term contract on Wednesday morning.

She oversaw training, with some of the stars of last term's title success - like Charlotte Potts, Kacie Elson and Elysia Boddy - joined by summer signings including Isabella Sibley, Shania Hayes and Amy Andrews.

All were looking to catch the eye ahead of the season opener in the capital, and Harriet Massey brought this gallery from the team's Bullocksteads base.

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