Fan Advisory Board. Newcastle United launches 2023/24 Fan Engagement Plan

17 Aug 23

Newcastle United has proudly launched its annual Fan Engagement Plan as part of the Premier League's newly introduced Fan Engagement Standard

Premier League clubs unanimously approved the introduction of the Fan Engagement Standard last season and the club has since worked in consultation with supporters and supporter groups to ensure constructive, consistent and structured engagement.

The full Fan Engagement Plan can be found here.

A core element of the club's 2023/24 plan is the establishment of a Fan Advisory Board (FAB), providing a new forum for fan group representatives and independent fans to represent the interests of supporters.

The FAB’s primary purpose is to consult and engage with fans, creating structured and strategic dialogue with regards to off-field matters and assist the club in decision making that affects supporters.

The FAB will comprise of nine fan members and recruitment for a number of those positions will commence in September 2023, with the first meeting set to be held in January 2024.


Newcastle United CEO, Darren Eales, said: "We are proud to publish our first Fan Engagement Plan.

"We wanted to clearly set out the club’s overall approach to fan engagement, what activities we will deliver during the season and demonstrate our passion for putting fans at the heart of this football club.

"I understand the impact our senior leadership team has in instilling a positive and inclusive culture and, as CEO, I will lead the club’s fan engagement activities as we establish our Fan Advisory Board and present our Fan Engagement Report to the club’s board at the end of each season.

"My aim is to ensure we continue to have meaningful, long-term dialogue between the club and supporters on a consistent and sustained basis, assisted by our dedicated Supporter Services team and Supporter Liaison Officer on a day-to-day basis."


Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST) chair, Greg Tomlinson, said: "The Trust is delighted by the inception of the Fan Advisory Board as a significant stride towards enhancing fan involvement in decision-making at Newcastle United.

"This marks a significant commitment to involving supporters’ representatives in pivotal matters, a cause we have tirelessly advocated for.

Debbie Cannon and Claire Wintrip, co-chairs of the United With Pride group, added: "United with Pride fully support and endorse the Fan Advisory Board.

"We have been impressed with the level of commitment and support to all supporter groups shown by the club since the inception of this project.

"We look forward to working with everyone in the future to help spread the message even further that we are United as One."

Meanwhile, speaking on behalf of the Newcastle United Supporters Association, chair Joe Ayton said: "NUDSA is excited by the plans for a Fans Advisory Board.

"This provides an opportunity for supporters and their representatives to engage with the club about a range of issues that directly affect them.

"The club's willingness to create a meaningful dialogue with supporters on matters that affect them now and in the future demonstrates their commitment to both fans and the city as we head towards an even brighter future."

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